
What does it take for a medical device to become a success? 

It takes a great idea (which may also be a simple one), money, the ability to execute once the ball starts rolling and, perhaps most crucial of all, a strong working partnership between the idea's originator and the executors - MDBC - in a team approach.

At an increasing rate, international medical device companies are looking externally for innovation to keep growing, and they are keen to invest in early stage technologies. Having access to international industry decision makers - the acquirers of our projects - is a key parameter for success.

MDBC's approach is proactively to get the patentable idea in front of prospective international prospects in order to "plant the seed" of the business opportunity and learn about their specific needs, hereby gaining valuable project input - all of which enable MDBC to focus on only those deliverables which add value to the project. As a result, the exit process starts day one!

MDBC A/S, Hoejskolevej 1, DK-2960 Rungsted Kyst, Denmark. CVR 28126700. Phone +45 7020 7811.